Abstract Submission
Abstract submission is now closed. The deadline was 23:59 BST on Friday 30th August (00:59 CET on Saturday 31st August).
Abstract Submission Guidelines
Abstracts are a very important part of any DAS meeting, and DAS London 2024 will continue in that tradition. Submissions are invited to be considered for presentation (both poster and oral) in the following categories:
• Audits / surveys
• Case reports
• Equipment
• Science (basic or clinical)
• Quality improvement / service development (including human factors)
• Innovation/Technology
Abstracts should describe work that develops, delivers, or evaluates the delivery of anaesthesia related to airway management. This can be in or outside theatres, cover adult or paediatric practice, and can include audits and surveys or lab-based scientific work, and everything in between.
The best abstracts will be submitted to the BJA for publication, and we will be awarding both oral and poster prizes at the meeting. All abstracts will be judged by an expert panel on behalf of the DAS 2024 abstract team. Please note that abstracts that are forwarded to the BJA for publication will have to be able to meet the ethical standards of the BJA. Abstracts submitted to the BJA may have to be edited for space.
At a minimum DAS expects that:
• Written consent will have been sought for case reports from patients/guardians/carers (as appropriate)
• Caldicott Guardian approval has been obtained where patient identifiable data is involved - by extension this means that case
reports should have at least been discussed with the Caldicott Guardian or other appropriate authority once written consent
has been obtained.
• QI projects should be locally registered/approved.
• Evaluations will have been discussed and agreed by the Scientific Officer of the local regional ethics service if formal ethical
approval is deemed not to be required.
• Ethical considerations and arrangements should be clearly stated in the methods section of the abstract.
• All authors of work submitted to the BJA must be able to abide by the ethical standards of the journal (Information for
Authors: British Journal of Anaesthesia (bjanaesthesia.org)
• Submissions from outwith the UK should meet the ethical standards and requirements of the host institution where the work
was conducted.
Previous abstract submissions have run into difficulty whenever authors have tried to avoid obtaining appropriate consent. This can be avoided by discussing your submission with senior figures within your department and seeking early clarification from the DAS 2024 abstract team if required.
The abstract judges will decide whether an abstract is to be presented orally or as a poster, although submitters may choose to only have their abstract considered for poster presentation if they wish.
Abstracts should be in English, and a maximum of one page of A4 - including any figure or table and the references (see below for more details).
The judging panel reserves the right to reallocate abstracts to a different category if appropriate, or to create a new category if this allows for easier presentation of the submitted abstracts.
The corresponding author will be notified of the decision of the abstract review panel by 27th September 2024 or earlier. All presenting authors must be registered by the early bird deadline of 27th September 2024. The abstract may be withdrawn after this date or late fees may apply.
Notes for Authors:
Work that has been previously published or work previously presented at a major meeting will not be considered for presentation and authors will be asked to sign a statement to that effect. However, abstracts that have appeared in conference booklets or have been presented at regional meetings are welcome.
Authors who are unsure about submitting a previously presented work or about the ethical approvals they have are advised to contact the abstract coordinator via das2024@abbeyuk.com as soon as is possible. In cases of uncertainty that are unresolved the judges will have no choice but to reject the abstract: early communication is essential.
Please note that given the high number of submissions anticipated, it will not be possible to offer individual feedback on abstracts that are not accepted.
Linguistic assistance may be available to delegates from developing nations who wish to submit an abstract. Please send a first proof of abstract (in English) as soon as possible (and not later than 1st August 2024) to the abstract coordinator das2024@abbeyuk.com
Presenting authors are expected to register for the conference at their own expense. The early bird rate will be available until 4th October 2024.
All accepted abstracts will be judged during the coffee / lunch breaks in the Scientific Programme on Thursday and Friday 28th and 29th November. Due to the volume of abstracts, it will unfortunately not be possible to accommodate requests for abstracts to be judged at specific times. You will be informed of your judging time at the meeting registration.
Instructions for all Authors:
The abstract submission system will allow a one-page document to be attached – please upload this in Word document format. This should be formatted in Arial font size 11, with all the page margins set to 2cm. Any tables / figures included must be within this one-page limit.
Abstracts need to be uploaded.
• Abstract title
• All authors’ initials and last names and place where work was carried out.
• A contact email should be included so that the authors can be contacted about their work by interested parties.
• The text of the abstract should not contain headings, but should follow the general progression through background,
methods, results, and conclusions. The methods should include a statement of ethics.
• Case reports should follow introduction, case or cases, discussion and learning points in the same way. A case report should
end (before the references) with a statement about the consent given by the patient/guardian/carer.
• Use Arial font size 11, with all the page margins set to 2cm.
• Use a blank line to separate paragraphs.
• One table or figure is permitted.
• If a figure is used, ensure that a figure caption is provided within the abstract document. The figure will be reduced in printing;
please do not use any font in the figure smaller than your text font.
• The complete abstract including figure or table, references, ethical approval/patient consent should fit within one A4 page.
• References are listed and cited as specified by the British Journal of Anaesthesia. (https://www.elsevier.com/journals/british-
journal-of-anaesthesia/0007-0912/guide-for-authors), however the article title is not required. No more than three references
should be included. If a reference has more than 6 authors, then list the names of first 3 authors followed by et al.
• Please acknowledge any source of funding for your study at the end of the abstract.
• You must confirm that all authors listed in the abstract have contributed to the work and support the submission of the
• You must confirm that this study received ethics committee approval or was conducted under the Animal (Scientific
Procedures) Act (1986) or equivalent. Abstracts must conform to international ethical guidelines for animal or human research
where relevant.
• Please note that mannikin based studies are not exempt from ethical considerations and clear evidence that this has been
considered should be available.
• Where relevant, details of ethical approval should be listed in the body of the abstract.
• You must affirm that the work has not been published or previously presented at a major meeting as part of the submission
• Abstracts that do not conform to these requirements will be rejected, or in exceptional circumstances sent back for revision.
Please note that it is possible that if authors have their work forwarded to the BJA for publication they may have to amend their abstracts as requested by the journal. The final decision on publication rests with the Editor in Chief of the BJA.
NB Instructions on the presentation of abstracts at the meeting will be sent to successful authors in advance of the meeting.
If you have any further questions relating to abstract submission, please contact: das2024@abbeyuk.com Early clarification of any potential issues is more likely to lead to effective resolution as the judging window is necessarily tight.
We look forward to receiving your work!
Innovation Prize
During the submission process an author can select to have their abstract considered for the Innovation Prize at DAS 2024. Whilst not an exhaustive guide, the following would qualify an abstract to be considered for the innovation prize:
A novel method of data collection
A novel technique of training and teaching
A novel finding in the lab/clinical application (not previously published)
A novel device or monitor or a novel use of an established device (not yet commercially available)
A novel clinical service or team training method/approach 
All applicants should consider protecting their intellectual property before submitting their abstract. The protection of intellectual property is the ultimate responsibility of each applicant, and DAS is not responsible for any intellectual property submitted for the DAS 2024 meeting. Examples of protection might be (not an exhaustive list)
A patent
A registered design
A trademark
A copyright