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Difficult Airway Society Annual Scientific Meeting

Guildhall, London
28th & 29th November 2024


We look forward to seeing all of you at the 29th DAS Annual Scientific meeting in London on the 28th & 29th November 2024. 7 years after the last ASM in the capital, we have worked tirelessly to make it another memorable meeting. With a wide range of interesting topics, great speakers and educational discussions this will be of interest to all DAS members.


This event will bring together world-leading and pioneering experts from a wide range of backgrounds. From academics and clinical experts, to trade and business partners, all will be there to facilitate networking, sharing and learning across all aspects of modern airway management.


The venue, Guildhall, is centrally located, known for its history and architecture, commutable for local, regional and international attendees and is surrounded by places of interest to visit after the meeting.


The famous DAS Gala Dinner is booked for the Houses of Parliament, an event certainly not to be missed. Places will be limited for dinner at this iconic venue so early booking is advisable.


We look forward to seeing you all in November for a fun filled couple of days.

Fauzia Mir

DAS 2024 LOC Chair

Important Dates

Abstract Submission Open

3 June 2024

Registration Open

July 2024

Abstract Deadline

30 August 2024

Notification to Authors

20 September 2024

Early Registration Deadline

27 September 2024

Cancellation Deadline

27 September 2024

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